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FREE shipping to BC & AB at $75, $30 order min
Hand holding Faux Lox Bagel with birghtly coloured smoked carrot, capers, pickled red onion, and fresh dill

Recipe: Faux Lox Bagel

2 Servings


We love this so much! A nutritious meal that provides a great alternative to it's original form. As we learn more and more everyday, we become more informed on the fragility of our Salmon populations in our oceans and how REAL they are.  The beauty is that we don't have to sacrifice the things we love, we simply have to reinvent them and here's how we did with the traditional Bagel and Lox.

Cashew Cream Cheese
2 cups raw cashews
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tsp garlic powder (plus more to taste)
1 medium lemon, zested
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2-3/4 cup plain coconut yogurt
1/2 tsp sea salt
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Smoked Carrot

3-4 peeled & thinly sliced carrots
2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
3-4 dashes liquid smoke
1 Tbsp pure maple syrup

For Topping

Pickled Red Onion
Fresh Dilll🌿

Start by adding preparing your cream cheese. Soak your cashews either overnight OR at least 2 hours.  Once the cashews are soft, bring all ingredients together in your food processor and blend until smooth.  Give it a taste, this is the perfect time to make a few adjustments to suite your taste, a touch of salt a dash of garlic.  A really fun way to make it your own.

Next, prepare your Carrot Lox by washing and peeling your carrots and giving them a thin slice.  We love a good mandolin for this task as it really allows you to get a beautiful, thin and consistently cut ribbon carrot.  Now combine your Extra Virgin Olive Oil, liquid smoke and pure maple syrup to a bowl and combine.  Coat your carrots with your mixture, then slide them into the over and roast for 5-10 minutes at 375F or until soft.

Add your Alkeme gluten-free bagels to your toaster.  If your bagel is coming out of the freezer a double toast is best. Once it's toasted to perfection it's time to assemble!  Slather on your desired amount of cashew cream cheese, slowly fold on your Faux Lox, add capers, pickled onions and fresh dill.  A freshly ground dash of Salt and Pepper will really bring out the flavours to finish this dish.  Now simply sit back and enjoy!

Notes: This cashew cream cheese will yield 4-6 servings so feel free to refrigerate the rest and enjoy for up to 1 week! 

The Why:

Did you know that in order for businesses to meet the supply and demand of Salmon products there has been mass development of fish farms, especially on our pristine BC coast? These farms breed unhealthy fish as a result of the tight quarters and poor feed leading to disease of the fish community which then spreads to the native, Wild Salmon in the area, wiping out many of them!

Have you seen the recent documentary Artfishal by Patagonia. We highly recommend checking it out as a great resource to gain knowledge on the topic and learn why Fish Farms aren't the solution and are in turn contributing to the demise of Salmon Populations.

Knowledge is Power, and as we learn more we hope to spread awareness around conscious consumption and making the changes that we easily can to support all life on this planet!

Thank you Kayla Dawn for this inspiring creation for the health of People and Planet.  For more plant powered recipes from Kayla, check out her blog, and daily Instagram feed @roastedchickpea.

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